
Virtual: AfroLatinos - An Untaught History Documentary Screening & Discussion

Join the Yale Latino Networking Group, Yale African American Affinity Group, and Office of Diversity & Inclusion for a documentary screening and discussion of AfroLatinos - An Untaught History.

“Afro-Latinos” is a documentary that tells the history and celebrates the rich culture of people in Latin America of African descent. From the history of how and when enslaved Africans came to Central and South America to identity issues in the Hispanic community today.

PRFDHR Seminar: Brothers or Invaders? How Crisis-Driven Migrants Shape Voting Behavior - Professor Sandra Rozo

Professor Sandra Rozo studies the electoral effects of the arrival of 1.3 million Venezuelan refugees in Colombia as a consequence of the Venezuelan humanitarian crisis. She exploits the fact that forced migrants disproportionately locate in places with earlier settlements of Venezuelans after the intensification of the crisis. She finds that larger migration shocks increase voters’ turnout and shift votes from left- to right-wing political ideologies.

YLNG & YAAA Virtual Demonstration: Capoeira, Maculele, and Samba

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, please join the Yale Latino Networking Group, Yale African American Affinity Group, and Brazilian Fitness Center for a virtual demonstration of capoeira, maculele, and samba. The purpose of this event is to impart key facts about Afro-Brazilian culture, demonstrate Afro-Brazilian culture using dance, inspire attendees to relate to Afro-Brazilian culture through participation in its music and dance, and share aspects of Latin American culture with which many are unfamiliar.

Virtual: YLNG & LGBTQ Poetry Reading Event with D.L. Cordero

Join the Yale Latino Networking Group and the LGBTQ Affinity Group for a poetry reading event with D.L. Cordero. D.L. Cordero is a published sci-fi fantasy author, occasional poet, and horror dabbler working out of Denver, Colorado. As a nonbinary, queer, Puerto Rican person, they utilize an intersectional approach when writing, incorporating they/them pronouns, Spanish-English hybridization, and characters from a wide range of sexual orientations, genders, races, and abilities.

Virtual: YLNG & WWN Virtual Latin Caribbean Dancing - Bachata, Salsa, and Merengue

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, please join the Yale Latino Networking Group and Working Women’s Network for a virtual Latin Caribbean dance session that will cover Bachata, Salsa, and Merengue with Alisa Bowens-Mercado from Alisa’s House of Salsa. No prior experience is required to enjoy this family friendly event. We look forward to seeing you on the virtual dance floor!

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