
Virtual: FLY Lean In Mentorship Series: Thriving in a Virtual Work Environment

Do you want to optimize and refine your remote work? Join Future Leaders of Yale (FLY) for “Thriving in a Virtual Work Environment,” a Lean In mentorship session. Our distinguished panelists represent fellow Yale colleagues who have adapted to this current work context and will share their strategies to apply to your own approach.

Virtual: Intersectional Activism: Ruby Ibarra in Conversation and Concert

Our third event in the “Beyond the Ballot: Representation and Participation” series, join us for an up-close and personal conversation with Ruby Ibarra about how she has intentionally used her music as a critical consciousness raising tool and her platform to mobilize communities for social change. The event will also include a live virtual concert performance by Ruby.

Virtual:Caring for Ourselves in Challenging Times: Simple tools to boost resilience and reduce stress

The world around us is changing quickly and at times may seem overwhelming, which, if we are not careful, can lead to feelings of burnout and exhaustion. But there are simple tools and basic practices we can employ to help us navigate these changes and perhaps even grow from them. Join Danielle Casioppo, MS, Education Specialist and certified Mental Health First Aid Instructor with Being Well at Yale, for an exploration of simple daily practices to boost resilience and reduce stress, even in the midst of challenging times.

Virtual: YAAA, WWN, & YLNG Book Club Discussion - Daughters of the Stone

Join the Yale African American Affinity Group, Working Women’s Network, and Yale Latino Networking Group for a book club discussion on Daughters of the Stone by Dahlma Llanos-Figueroa. Daughters of the Stone is a lyrical powerful novel about a family of Afro-Puerto Rican women spanning five generations, detailing their physical and spiritual journey from the Old World to the New. Register by Friday, January 29 for a chance to win a free copy of the book!

Queer BIPOC Town Hall Meeting

Do you identify as LGBTQ and BIPOC? If so, this event is for you, a virtual town hall to build community with one another. The purpose of this meeting is to share your perspectives, experiences, challenges, and concerns. We hope to form a mission and regular gathering place. To ensure privacy and safety, we respectfully ask that this space be reserved for those who self-identify as QBIPOC.

Virtual: AfroLatinos - An Untaught History Documentary Screening & Discussion

Join the Yale Latino Networking Group, Yale African American Affinity Group, and Office of Diversity & Inclusion for a documentary screening and discussion of AfroLatinos - An Untaught History.

“Afro-Latinos” is a documentary that tells the history and celebrates the rich culture of people in Latin America of African descent. From the history of how and when enslaved Africans came to Central and South America to identity issues in the Hispanic community today.

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