
Discovering the 4 Land Languages

Have you ever had a difficult time understanding and relating to certain people? Have you found some relationships to be too difficult to tolerate? Are some people simply impossible to work with or be friends with or just plain mean? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could get along with others better? If no one bothered you? We have a workshop for you!

Building Successful Relationships During Uncertain Times

We don’t always get to choose the people we work with, nor the circumstances. We do, however, get to choose how we handle the relationships with the people we work with and how we manage the circumstances. No matter how talented, gifted, or experienced, and no matter what role we serve or title we carry, our level of success is not measured based on the work we produce; it is measured based on the relationships we build.

Arm Toning Workout

Did you know that you can tone your arms without floor exercises, planks, or push-ups? Join the Working Women’s Network, Future Leaders of Yale, Yale Latino Networking Group, and Asian Network at Yale for a fit and fun arm toning workshop with Shana Schneider, creator of the Fitstyle Your Life approach to fitness. Attendees will learn how to build a strength training habit, so that it fits your life, and participate in arm strength training exercises with hand weights and a special kind of movement to music called PLAY arms!

Homeownership Basics Workshop

Are you thinking about buying a home? Do you want to find out if it’s the right step for you? Please join the Future Leaders of Yale, Yale African American Affinity Group, and the Yale Latino Networking Group for a home buying basics workshop with Professor Cameron LaPoint, Assistant Professor of Finance in the School of Management, and Alina Colossale, Early Career Development Specialist in Staffing.

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