Spouses And Partners

PRFDHR Seminar: When does Migration Law Discriminate against Women?, Dr. Catherine Briddick

It is possible to identify gendered disadvantage at almost every point in a migrant woman’s journey, physical and legal, from country of origin to country of destination, from admission to naturalization. Rules which explicitly distribute migration opportunities differently on the grounds of sex/gender, such as prohibitions on certain women’s emigration, may produce such disadvantage. Women may also, however, be disadvantaged by facially gender-neutral rules.

The Goodlife Center & Yale University Art Gallery Presents: Lindaluz Carrillo Artist in Residence

El Abrazo (The Embrace)
Friday, 5/7 from 1:30-2:30pm: When you think of the word “embrace,” who/what do you think of? In this workshop, participants will partner up to share moments of embrace. While one person is sharing, the other person will draw their story, and each person will get 20 minutes to share and create. All Yale students and staff are welcome! Bring paper, a writing utensil, and optional coloring supplies.

The Good Life Center & Yale University Art Gallery Presents: Lindaluz Caarrillo Artist in Residence

A Constant Reminder
Friday, 4/16 from 1:30-2:30pm: What does it look like to care for and nurture ourselves, even when we are in motion? This workshop is about holding yourself and others accountable to the act of self-love. We will write reminders of who we are and what self-care means to us. Participants can drop off their materials for this collaborative installation from 10am-4pm on Friday, 4/16 at Silliman College (505 College Street). More information to come soon for participants not located in New Haven this semester!

The Goodlife Center & Yale University Art Gallery Presents: Lindaluz Carrillo Artist in Residence

Intenciones (Intentions)
Friday, 4/2 from 1:30-2:30pm: What does intentionality look like for you, and what does it mean to grow into the person you are becoming? In this workshop, we will explore the importance of accountability, self-acceptance, being present, and acknowledging our past. We will reflect on who exactly we intend to be and create an origami craft detailing these intentions. All Yale students and staff are welcome! Necessary materials include paper (origami paper recommended but not required), a writing utensil, and optional coloring supplies.

10 Warning Signs of Dementia and 10 Ways to Love Your Brain

Join the Yale African American Affinity Group, Yale Latino Networking Group, and Dianne Davis for a presentation that will review signs and symptoms which may indicate the early stage of dementia, as well as lifestyle changes which promote brain health.

Dianne Davis, RN, MSN is the Education and Outreach Coordinator for the Yale Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. She is a volunteer for the Alzheimer’s Association, and for many years worked with individuals with dementia and their families as a geriatric case manager at the Adler Geriatric Assessment Center.

Virtual: Intersectional Activism: Ruby Ibarra in Conversation and Concert

Our third event in the “Beyond the Ballot: Representation and Participation” series, join us for an up-close and personal conversation with Ruby Ibarra about how she has intentionally used her music as a critical consciousness raising tool and her platform to mobilize communities for social change. The event will also include a live virtual concert performance by Ruby.

Virtual: YLNG & LGBTQ Poetry Reading Event with D.L. Cordero

Join the Yale Latino Networking Group and the LGBTQ Affinity Group for a poetry reading event with D.L. Cordero. D.L. Cordero is a published sci-fi fantasy author, occasional poet, and horror dabbler working out of Denver, Colorado. As a nonbinary, queer, Puerto Rican person, they utilize an intersectional approach when writing, incorporating they/them pronouns, Spanish-English hybridization, and characters from a wide range of sexual orientations, genders, races, and abilities.

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