March 5, 2021
On Friday, March 5 (event was rescheduled due to technical difficulties), the Yale Latino Networking Group and Future Leaders of Yale had the pleasure of hosting Peruvian Brothers Giuseppe and Mario Lanzone, for a virtual cooking demonstration of two signature Peruvian dishes: ceviche and lomo saltado. If you missed this event, the ingredient list can be found below.
8 oz of fresh white meat fish of your choice
3 limes
1/2 red onion
Fresh cilantro
salt + pepper
1 red hot pepper (rocoto pepper if possible)
2 spoons of evaporated milk
Lomo saltado
8 oz of fillet mignon (or tender meat of your choice)
1/2 red onion
1 tomato
2 green scallions
Aji amarillo paste (any Asian or Latino market will have it)
1/4 Soy sauce
1/4 apple vinegar
5 fingerling potatoes
salt + pepper + oregano
1/4 cooking oil
Pan, bowl, a baking pan, a couple spoons and a great attitude to learn the best cuisine in the world!
You can also purchase the Peruvian Brothers signature hot sauce at: https://www.peruvianbrothers.com/shop.
The event recording can be found at: https://yale.zoom.us/rec/play/i0lBPnh-ntYPY7rVO7uicZwUWiBaHXpMRS3o85tFj_…
Event photos can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=YaleLatinoGroup&set=a.3892511…