May 12, 2023
With Mother’s Day behind us, we were again fortunate to reflect on the donations that we collected from our Yale Partners to make this year’s event a success. With generous donations and volunteers from Yale’s Affinity Groups: Asian Network at Yale, DiversAbility at Yale, Future Leaders of Yale, and Yale Latino Networking Group, as well as the Office of Diversity & Inclusion, Yale Police Department, Yale Athletics, and the Yale Cancer Center, we packed and delivered 76 bags to local mother’s currently residing in shelters and treatment facilities in New Haven.
Through our Amazon Wishlist and monetary donations, we came together to collect toiletry supplies such as manicure sets, body sprays, shampoos/conditioner, body wash, and more to fill this year’s bags.
Friday afternoon on May 12th we loaded the bags into Jose’s van and began our delivery rounds starting with Life Haven, The Kinship Program, Martha’s Place, and then ending at the Apt Foundation. As we arrived at each location, we surprised new mothers that were beyond thankful for remembering them on for some was their first Mother’s Day. The smiles on the faces of facility coordinators were just as heartfelt, as they were thankful that their new intakes would be welcomed with a care bag containing everything, they needed to feel comfortable in their new space.
1st Stop Life Haven - Life Haven Shelter is a part of New Reach, Inc., accepts families with a female head of household and women who are 8 months pregnant, provides temporary shelter to homeless pregnant women and women with young children; dependent boys up to age 10 and dependent girls up to age 17.
2nd Stop: Kinship Program - Funds relatives or non-family who were granted guardianship of a child by a Regional Children’s Probate Court or a Superior Court.
3rd Stop: New Reach Martha’s Place Shelter- located in New Haven, is an institution that provides a safe haven for victims of human trafficking. They offer a range of services, including counseling, medical care, and emotional support that can help survivors rebuild their lives.
Final Stop: APT Foundation Inc., Amethyst House – Providing drug and alcohol addiction treatment for women.
Thank you for your participation and continued support of the Mother’s Day Outreach initiative and we look forward to seeing you again next year.
-Tanya Colón, Kat Viera, & Jose DeJesus (past YLNG co-chairs, current YLNG members)