Quechua in the Andes and Abroad: A Legacy of Indigenous Resilience

Event time: 
Thursday, September 28, 2023 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Online See map
Event description: 

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, the Yale Latino Networking Group will host Eva Zapata Signorino. Eva is a member of The Quechua Alliance and hosts the IG Live series Yachay Talks. Eva has Quechua family members from PerĂº and Bolivia and is part of the Andean diaspora in New York.

This workshop sheds some light on who and what the Quechua Alliance is and its legacy. The Quechua Alliance includes scholars, community leaders, college students, educators, immigrants, and enthusiasts spanning the South American Andean countries and the global diaspora in North America and Europe interested in promoting the Quechua language and culture. We look forward to seeing you there!

Free but register in advance
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